response - at a distance 11/20-02/21

At a time when it was not possible for RAG members to physically view each other’s work or to exhibit in a gallery, a group of seven artists; G. Calvert, Saadeh George, Grazyna Cydzik, Emma Davis,  Josie Deighton, Marianne Moore and Miles Watson created a new artwork every two weeks and then shared it with the group. Each participant would then choose one of the seven works to which they wished to respond (in their medium of choice) and this process continued from November 2020 until the end of February 2021. The project gave an impetus to continue making art when perhaps without that motivation, it may have been more difficult to do.

Devised by Grazyna Cydzik

To view the project you can either:

Click the interactive view button to explore the artworks using the control panel.
Best viewed in ‘full screen’ mode.
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If you don’t have an alternative browser to Safari, click on the link below to view the image as PDF.